T&D Materials Manufacturing LLC

Heavy Tungsten Alloy Ammunition

T&D Materials high-density Tungsten alloys and high-purity tantalum are widely used in ordinance industries around the world.

T&D Materials high-density Tungsten alloys and high-purity tantalum are widely used in ordinance industries around the world. The compact yet uncompromising strength found in Tungsten alloys allows us to offer the highest quality in hyper-velocity, armor-penetrating applications, fragmentation devices, and kinetic penetrators. Tungsten is 1.7 times denser than Lead and 2.4 times denser than Steel. Flexible Manufacturing techniques and additives allow us to vary properties such as elongation, ultimate tensile strength, and hardness to ensure the best possible material for your unique needs. The production capacity of T&D Materials is 550 tons per year. We take the same approach to each and every project, with precision machining, strict attention to detail, and following specifications to the letter. This leads to higher performance and excellence through precision.

Tungsten Penetrators

Our Tungsten is made to penetrate the most vigorous shielding to make sure that your operators can protect themselves from armored adversaries in the heat of combat.

Normal Density: 17.60 g/cc

T&D Materials reaches very high tensile and yield strength as 1,600MPa and above. While keeping a very high level of elongation and impact. The hardness is 35-45 HRC.

We Offer:

Small Caliber Cores and Penetrators

Medium Caliber Cores and Penetrators

Large Caliber Cores and Penetrators

Tungsten Balls

Tungsten Cubes and Cylinders

Tungsten Gyroscope Technical Data

Tungsten Blast Rings

Tungsten Shaped Charge Liners

Frangible Ammunition and Green Bullets

Lead Free Frangible Projectiles

Tungsten alloy armour piercing bullet

Tungsten alloy caliber core

Tungsten alloy fin stabilized core

Tungsten alloy shot

Tungsten alloy Penetrator

Tungsten alloy Spheres

Tungsten alloy cubes

Tungsten alloy Buffer Weights for AR15

Kinetic energy penetrator=ke weapon

Armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot—-(APFSDS)

PFF—Pre-Formed Fragments For Naval And Artillery Ammunition. —High explosive anti-tank

Anti-tank ammunition

Missile warheads for fragmentation and penetration solutions

High velocity armor piercing

Ammunition from small to large caliber

Saboted flechette

Impact depth ammunition

Tank ammunition

Pre-fragmented ammunition pellets for pre-fragmented weapons.

SLAP (0.50 caliber slap, 0.308 caliber SLAP)


Missile makers

Earth penetrating weapon (EPW) warhead MOP—Bunker buster bomb.

Bullet for sniper rifle.

Guide rod for pistol

Weight in the buffer for rifle. —counter weight.

Tungsten composite for training ammunition.

Tungsten composite for hunting.

Penetrator bullet

Bullet core

Penetrating bomb.

M903, M962, M959, M948. SLAP Ammunition

Sniper bullet

Need a Custom Project?

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